
Generation Green is proud to support various partners locally, and internationally!

    • Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

    Our current project, began in 2018, is a partnership with Prior to COVID we provided office assistance and help with student outings. We continue to translate materials to English and promote and educate wetlands information to the retirement community near the Punta Banda wetland in Ensenada, Mexico. Collecting and sharing important information on the national significance of the area, along with the rules and regulatory agency contact information. We also help to translate interpretative trail signs, post regulatory requirements on the beaches, and engage local guides, guards, and police during nesting season. We promote education and offer various outreach materials at local venues, bird outings, workdays and more! The Ensenada team continues to grow as our Spanish skills improve. We are working to ensure any proceeds go back to outdoor education and outreach opportunities in the area!


    Education Materials


    • Accra, Ghana, Africa

    In the past, we have helped ship school supplies and art materials to Accra, Ghana, Africa. Spearheading a Teens for Teak program. Pairing students from Ghana with email pen pal students in Oakland CA schools! Students traded their art and their facts about Africa’s Teak trees and the comparison to the efforts to conserve the Bay Area Redwood trees! This facilitated African students learning how to use the new local Internet café, computers and emails. The Oakland students learned how to use graphic art programs like Photoshop. Generation Green brought the program full circle by supporting sustainable djembe drum makers. The Accra Artisans sold hand crafted teak drums with a portion of all sales going back to the schools and to planting more teak trees.

Web Design by Cedric Cheng Design
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